Articles, Clippings and Handouts about NLPNOW







The Leader, Sri Lanka
Shanghai Times
Shanghai Times

Chinese News



Saudi Arabian advert

Italian Course Info

Speed Reading

Mind Maps






Speed Reading

Mind Maps




Phobia Cures




London NLP & Hypnosis Group




About Phillip

About Mee Len





Middle East


Sri Lanka









13 Norbiton Hall
London Road
Kingston upon Thames

Call (UK) 07973 178602 or 0845 130 6213 for more information.
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We have placed here some of the many newspaper articles, clippings and leaflets published with regards to the work, trainings and presentations undertaken by Phillip Holt of NLPNOW.

We cannot include recordings made for radio shows and TV programmes. Some of these have included an hours live on Resonance Radio 104.4 FM, a recording for Twenty Twenty TV on Remote Viewing, a guest appearance as an NLP expert on the Discovery Channel/Granada programme Excellent People, and interviews for TV companies around the world. 


Achieving excellence through NLP Sri Lanka

The Leader newspaper, Sri Lanka

Whilst in Sri Lanka, Phillip Holt undertook a number of interviews for newspapers and TV programmes. The above article appeared in the Leader Newspaper 20th July 2003, written by Ranee Mohamed, and titled "Achieving excellence through NLP"

A transcript of the Article - Achieving excellence through NLP. press here



Memory and Mind Maps - China

The Shanghai Times, China

A course was run on how participants can increase memory to achieve excellence in Shanghai China, to which the press were invited, resulting in this article.


Public Seminar of Introduction to NLP - China

Press cutting from a Shanghai newspaper

Phillip & Alex on stage


A public presentation was held in Shanghai on NLP and courses provided by Goldenbrains and Phillip Holt in China. A press report was written on this evening.



Advert for Speed Reading & Phobia Cure - Saudi Arabia


Advert for Phillip Holt's training in Saudi Arabia

An advertisement placed in a number of Saudi Arabian newspapers and magazines to announce the courses of speed reading and fast Phobia cures, which resulted in tens of participants attending courses in Jeddah and Demman, Saudi Arabia.



 Article on Phillip Holt - Italy



E un formatore di rilievo internazionale nel settore delle Tecniche Accelerate di Apprendimento, Photoreading e PNL.



Si è formato in Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica con Richard Bandler, Paul

McKenna, Michael Breen e John La Valle.

Lavora da anni a Londra come assistente nei corsi tenuti da Richard Bandier,

Paul McKenna e Michael Breen.



Conduce corsi in tutto il mondo su lettura veloce, memorizzazione e mappe

mentali. Si è formato negli Stall Uniti con ii creatore del Photoreading Paul R.

Scheele ed è stato nominato Istruttore direttamente da lui. E uno del circa 30

istruttori mondiali di Photoreading, certificato e abilitato ad insegnare in tutto

il mondo direttamente dalla Learning Strategies Corporation (USA).

E inoltre uno del pochi formatori a livello mondiale certificato da Tony Buzan

(il creatore delle Mappe Mentali) ad insegnare corsi sulle mappe mentali.



 A copy of the NLP Italy literature giving details of Phillip Holt and some of his courses presenting in Italy.       





an article in the Sunday Leader Sri Lanka.



At first I thought he was a doctor. But Philip J Holt from the United Kingdom turned out to be even better; he had the rare ability of entering the mind, speaking about it, and then staying there.


Phillip J Holt MDPM, MBCS is a trainer consultant in the United Kingdom. China and Malaysia and very soon with the enterprise and initiative of Maxwell de Silva, who is chairman, MCS Logistics International Pvt. Limited, Phillip Holt will be training Sri Lankans in Neuro Linguistic Programming.


Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is being mastered in the developed world and in the United Kingdom, Holt has been training not only university students but also high officials of the UK police department and the armed forces, lawyers, teachers, doctors - in short people  from all walks of life,


Phillip Holt is able to take away phobias, build confidence, eliminate stress, in short help one to achieve excellence in one’s personal life and more importantly in one’s ca­reer.


Very soon, Phillip Holt with his Sri Lankan counterpart Maxwell de Silva will begin course’s to enable Sri Lankans, especially those in the high profile mercantile, commer­cial and management sectors to improve themselves to their maximum level of attainability.


Speed reading is for students and the em­ployed and even for housewives.


PhotoReading is another interesting aspect that Holt will familiarise Sri Lankans with, it will be an exercise for the whole mind system, the conscious and the subconscious.


Holt will also help improve memories, both for memory retention and to recall dates,

facts, lists and names.


“With a knowledge of NLP one can achieve excellence.” said Holt who has been involved in NLP for about eight years with the originator Richard Bandler.


Using hypnosis therapeutically, Holt uses the rules of the great master Erickson. So it is Bandler’s NLP, Erickson’s hypnosis, Buzan’s Mind Maps, that Holt today imparts to the Modern world.


Having worked with Bandler very closely, Holt is also a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists in the United Kingdom.


He is able to teach one to read 20,000 to 30,000 words a minute or in short a page a second “This is a way of using the brain, the way it should be used,” says Holt.


“Mind Maps help to gain better memory, make notes better, make speeches accurately we need this new concept, hut it is as old as the hills.” he laughs.


‘This is something we must teach in schools - memory skills, how to use your memory. The memory champions of the world didn’t have such a great memory. They had a strategy.” points our Holt.


‘People come to me with problems - con­fidence problems, phobias etc. But a lot of the time these people are so stressed,” observed Holt, “I teach them to relax and re­duce their stress. The whole thing about memory is what you remember— and at most times what you remember is not the truth. The thing about the brain is that it can only remember seven things at one time. If 1 give you a whole string of numbers 1-2-3-4-5-.. okay you can remember those because they are in a sequence. But if 1 give you a string of numbers you can remember only seven of those numbers,” explained Holt.


“After that the short term memory says 1 can’t take it any more and starts forgetting things. 0ften we can only remember seven portions and what we remember is not the truth” adds Holt.


“You may remember key words, some words, but is that really the truth? So what the brain does is it has to take information and delete it to fit into a small area. Then it stores it and says that is the truth – it isn’t the whole picture. When the brain says it is and it isn’t, then people have problems,” observed Holt


In the case of depression this is what happens. Depression occurs when thinking about the past and at most times it is not what has happened in the past, explained Holt.

If one relaxes and rethinks about really happened during any given time, people can change. says Holt.


Holt claims that he can change people by changing the way they think.


‘Only if they want to,” he shrugs. If one has a problem and wants to get rid of such phobias Halt says he can make it go in three minutes. “it is not brainwashing,” he adds


Holt teaches NLP, hypnosis, PhotoReading, Mind Maps, memory skills and has worked closely in the British corporate sector.


“It is not jus. a lecture. It is a lot of fun. What we do is that I teach people to try things out,”  said Holt. ‘I tell stories that the brain can start to make pictures,” he explained.


Housewives. businessmen. scholars journalists, schoolchildren – NLP is for all, I have taught it to small school children, police superintendents, the highest ever – nurses, doctors, pilots, armed forces,” said Holt


NLP fits in to all aspects of life. It is the way the human brain works, it is a tool, an add-on in today’s world.


Holt has been on working visits to the Middle East, United States of America, China and many Asian countries. He has taught hundreds of people about NLP, especially about relaxation techniques.


NIP will give more power to one’s job, life and help to achieve greater excellence.


Phillip Holt’s magnetism, skills and knowledge should be absorbed by all sectors of Sri Lankan society.

