
The Magic Castle










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Phillip Holt of NLPNOW, often talks in his courses of his experiences as a Scuba Diver. Phillip is a very experienced PADI Master Diver, with over 600 dives logged all over the world.

The photographs taken in these examples, were taken with a Nikonos 5 underwater camera, a Nikonos  SB 102 strobe flash, various detachable lenses for close-up, normal and wide-angle shoots, and using 35mm slide film.

Phillip is also a Radio Ham, with a UK call sign of G8YJQ.


Phillip Holt investigating a Coca Cola bottle found on the sea bed.

Phillip really is underwater, see the bubbles from his mouth and demand-valve.

This very strange flat fish, multi coloured and striped in brown, photographed on a night dive, had never been seen prior to Phillip's picture.

Do you see the fish? This is a Scorpion fish. It's barbs on it's spine are highly poisonous, and will penetrate the skin of those paddling in the shallows. It's eyes are top middle, two little black dots. 

This is the same Scorpion fish seen from the side, and after Phillip had aroused it to change to the danger red signal. The barbs can be seen on it's spine.


A night dive picture of a Parrot fish at rest. Notice it's front teeth, used to scrape and crush the coral it eats to feed on the coral. The resultant fine crushed coral it excretes through it's body forms the golden sandy beaches we all lie out on to sun-bathe.

A Lion or Turkey fish, with such lovely feather like fins. But, those long ones on it's spine are highly poisonous if the penetrate the skin.

Phillip's favourite fish, the Clown fish, swimming above an open Sea-Anemone. The mouth of the Sea-Anemone can be seen just below the right-hand yellow and white Clown.

A closer look at a Clown fish as it tries to attract anything into the Sea-Anemone, whose poisonous tentacles will stick to a trapped fish an poison it, prior to eating it. The Clown has enzymes on it's body which allows it to swim in the tentacles.   

A Clown fish swims in the tentacles trying to attract other fish into the tentacles.


A closed Sea-Anemone, with it's mouth clearly visible, probably digesting a meal of a fish attracted into it's tentacles. The Clown fish and Sea-Anemone benefit each other symbiotically by the Clown attracting other fish to the Anemone and surviving on scraps left over.  

All photographs were taken by Phillip Holt, and ownership belongs to him and he retains copywrite.

 Reproduction is strictly forbidden without the prior written approval of Phillip Holt. 2003